Nimco – Braun Camera Co. c1952
The NIMCO was an export version of Braun’s Imperial Box 6×6 S. There were a number of versions of
that particular camera. Different faces. Different straps etc.

Like most people, I’ve moved around a bit in my life. But each move came with varying degrees of sadness associated with it. There’s the
moment when you close the door behind you for the last time.
My in-laws lived in the house pictured in the next few photographs for nearly forty years. Age related issues forced them into a different situation and the house had been empty for nearly a year.

APX 400 in HC110(H) for 14 minutes
The NIMCO has no “B” setting so interior shots were done with multiple exposures which accounts for the blur seen in some
of the photos.

Granby, Ma
Arista EDU 200 in HC110 (H)