
This is the earlier Six-E as it has strap lugs. It takes 120 film and produces 6×6 images. The focusing lens is jammed tighter than
a bulls arse in black fly season. I’ll work on it. This particular camera came from “Jan” in Minnesota

Vacation photographs usually look like they were intended to be evidence that the
photographer was actually at the place he’s going to eventually
tell you all about.

“Well here we are getting on the bus.” That’s Gerty lightin’ up a Lucky in front of the third bus.”
“Our bus drivers name was, “Gus.” “He was soooo funny.”

Frank and Gerty really did stand under this tree. Well, until that prehistoric bird emerging from the ground
to the right, scared the hell out of them.
Gus, the funny bus driver, took this picture.

Crappy tourist traps always have a water wheel. The wheel does nothing but stir up floating duck
feathers and duck droppings.
This particular location also has a duck jail. If you look closely you can see
a Mallard visiting its mate at the left side of the lockup.
“Did ya bring the bread like I told ya to, Daisy ?”

I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s an alligator. Gert would know but she’s in Box City.

The Shell Factory is a tourist trap on the Tamiami Trail in Florida. It’s a “nature park,” restaurant, and store. I’ll bet they make great
fried possum and duck.
Here’s some info and photos. Isn’t
the internet great ? CLICK
I bet they still have a waterwheel.

Is that a biplane about to crash ?