Fitted with Optical Crystal Lens
I knew nothing about this cheapie until some knowledgeable folks at helped me out. It was made by Crestline and is identical to the Empire baby which was made in Macao. My Empire Baby was made in Hong Kong. It takes 127 film and my specimen is like new. Check out that clown nose-like shutter release button in bright red. No, that’s not Corinthian leather covering, it’s plastic. It looks like something that would come in a box of Cracker Jacks.
I loaded this sweetheart with Efke film from and hit the road. The camera rolled around in my glove compartment for a few months.
Not quite a Diana. More like a Holga with some Zeiss bokeh. The Wales Baby with The Optical Crystal Lens is destined to become one of the great cameras of all time. Remember where you heard that first.
Efke 127 film in Accutol 1:10 for 10 minutes or so.