Two Time Capsules
Most of my found films now come from visitors to this website. I don’t buy many wretched old cameras anymore and my old camera “contacts” are either out of business or residing in Box City.
Two rolls came to me some time ago. For a variety of reasons they languished in a shoe box here.
Kodak must have sold billions and billions of rolls of Verichrome and Verichrome Pan. I get far more of those film types than any other.
The first roll came from Madison, WI. It was found in a family camera.

Snapshots capture perhaps 1/100 of a second of time. They record that very, very, small instant of our personal timelines as it rushes on.

This roll of Vpan came from a camera collector in Eubank, KY

Yes, there was a time when the only way to personally record what was on your T.V. was to take a picture of it.
That was the case with this fairly significant event. “Get the camera Harry.” “They’re on The Moon !”