Kodak sure sold a lot of Verichrome Pan. It shows up far more than any type of found film.
It was one of my favorites films but, like my hair, There isn’t much of it left.

My parents used it in our Hawkeye Flash. I used to think the roll looked like a firecracker. A red M-80.

This roll came from a Brownie Flash-Six 20 and Bend, Oregon. 1940 -1954

Easter used to be a big deal. It still is if you think it is.
Kids probably still like it. Once they get those awful Easter clothes off.
I never cared for Easter. I wasn’t much for candy as a kid. I’d rather have a pickle. The Easter Bunny didn’t have pickles though.

Now, just one of Mom and Dad.
Jackie Kennedy and Alan Sheppard, sort of.
Soon, an awful thing would happen in Dallas, Texas. A thing that changed its witnesses forever.