Verichrome and Kodacolor-X
The Verichrome found its way to me from Evanston IL. The Kodacolor-X came from a contributor in Kentucky.
The Verichrome was wound tighter than a bull’s ass in black-fly season and exploded off the roll in my darkroom. A curly, twisted mess.
Kodacolor-X, when processed in black and white chemistry, results in very dense negatives that are difficult to scan.
You don’t care. You want to see the results.
Twisty Verichrome first.
Most of the found films I process are only partially exposed. This one is no exception.

1963 Plymouth Valiant
I don’t think people take pictures of their cars anymore. Cars seem easier to come by and they sure as hell don’t have the style they used to have.

Possibly the owner of the Valiant.
Kodacolor – X

The roll consists of ten photographs of this Olan Mills photograph atop a table.
The exposures are identical and done with a good quality camera.
The above was scanned at 300 dpi. The one at right, 600 dpi.