Vagabond “120” c1951 – United States Camera. Chicago, IL
Closely related to Pho-Tak Corp. and many of their products were identical, except for the names.
The Vagabond 120 certainly looks vagabondish, doesn’t it ? That’s a vagabond font if ever I saw one. The quotation marks around the “120” project the air of a loose life. Just like a real vagabond would live.
The camera is made of sheet metal and although it’s not labelled as such, that’s a Zellar lens up there. There’s no guard on the flash. The parabolic reflector focuses blinding light on the subject and if a flash bulb were to explode, the reflector aims the shards directly at the hapless target.
The camera is very similar to the Traveler 120 but it’s name implies a certain looseness.

If your travel without much money, you’re a “vagabond.” If you’re loaded, you’re a “traveler.”