Number 2 Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye – Model C 1926-1933

This shot captures the fun loving nature of the pictured family. Pop removed his hat to better illuminate the photograph. That’s his brother “Stretch” on his left. Stretch was a traveling salesman and sold rainwear door to door. Man ! I’ll bet he had some stories.

A moment of mirth. Before moving on.

The old “take a picture of the photographer” gag. Gets ’em every time.

I think these are U.F.O’s. It’s the last exposure on the roll !

Kodak No. 2 Hawkeye Jr. 1932

The camera is equipped with a single finder and uses 120 roll film. It’s about as simple a camera as you can find. The camera pictured above is near mint and even smells new. This model was made for only one year. It’s over 80 years old.
The film was rolled up tightly. Carefully sealed and placed back into the camera.

Native Americans have been treated badly throughout their history. Even the SHOE SHOP is sneaking up on them.

The snow photos were the first shots on the roll. The camera was put away for sometime and pulled out for the parade around 1950. Somewhere in this group is a relative or friend of the photographer. We’ll never know which one.
There’s a little boy near the fence in the photo center. He’s got an egg in his hand and eagerly awaiting his first sighting of the tuba.
I wonder if the owner of the Cadillac on the left knows that kids are sitting on his fender.

Please don’t send emails suggesting that I’m making light of the plight of Native Americans. I’m certainly not.