Patrick Demspey sent these two rolls of ancient 127 to me. The roll on the left is Kodak Verichrome and the other is Sears Panchromatic. The label says “Return to Sears for Processing.” I wonder what they’d say if I did.
The Verichrome contained only two images and the Sears had been exposed to light. This low percentage is common with found films. They lead hard lives.

The picnic table is in the shade. Mom is presenting something to some Boy Scouts and the old Boxer is looking at something that’s out of the picture frame. It’s spring, and for these kids, everything is possible.
Frame two contains five kids. There are six in frame one. I’m betting Mom put that kerchief on the new kid in frame one. I’ll bet he’s a new member of Pack 29. The dog remains disinterested. That’s his butt over there on the left in frame one.
Parked out on the sunny street is a big-finned Chrysler, I think. If not, someone will write and point out my mistake. That’s Mom’s sweater on the bench. Moms always have a sweater nearby.