Tower 51 (Sears) folder – c1955 (Photo top left by Beth)
Most likely built by Pho-Tak for Sears as it resembles their Foldex. It produces 6×9 images on rollfilm.
This camera contained an exposed roll of Kodak Verichrome. My internet friend Beth, sent the roll to me. She kept the camera. Be careful Beth. Old cameras have a way of reproducing.

I’ve seen my fair share of family photos and I’ve processed more found film
than you have. If there’s one thing that both have in common
it’s adoring photographs of children.
Why is this ? The answer is simple. Kids aren’t adults. They haven’t
lived long enough to get worn down.
We cherish them for that reason although we’re only subconsciously
aware of it when we release our shutters.

-Lovers With Ashtray
Great artists, like myself, always name their works. Although I didn’t produce this work, I named it
for the artist.
Being a young man myself, I guarantee you that the youngster man in this lost photo
couldn’t wait for the photographer to get the hell out of the room.

I don’t know if the guy in this photo is the same person as in “Lovers With Ashtray.”
The shirt looks the same but the waist seems a bit tighter here.
That’s not the same lady as in “Ashtray.” It makes you wonder what was going on.

I rarely have the foggiest notion as to the locations in my found films but I knew
where this was immediately. I probably stood on the same spot as the photographer did that captured this
scene in Rockport, Massachusetts.
The scene is known as Motif 1 and it’s been photographed and painted many times. I Googled the color shots below.

If you look at the boat photo again, you’ll see that the boat is named “New Horizons.”
There’s still a charter business running out of Rockport, MA that bears that name.