I like Canada. They’re our quiet neighbors that don’t say very much. They make good beer but I don’t care for their whiskey and I dislike their hockey teams. Especially that one from Montreal.
Since I like Canada, I felt especially bad about the found films sent to me from Canada that I lost and found again.
Three rolls of particularly snaky, ribbon candy-like rolls of VPAN. When I cut the seal on the first roll it uncoiled like a wire-snake. If you don’t know what a wire-snake is go buy one ad let it uncoil unrestricted. I once saw a guy carelessly let go of the hooked end of a wire snake and it set itself firmly in his right nostril.
The films came from Sutton, Quebec. Camera unknown.

Expo 67

This is The Hofbrau House. See the statues of big ladies holding really big steins of beer ? See the women and children wondering why dad has been inside for so long ? Some of the photos are badly composed. Maybe dad took them after the Hofbrau House incident
I think the guy on the right wants to go inside but his wife (just out of the frame) has him by the ear.
Family Snapshots

Taking a picture of someone taking your picture seems wicked funny when you’re a kid. I still think it’s funny.
A kiss or a secret ? We’ll never know.
“A brother will defend her for a sister’s love is pure.”
“Because she thinks he’s wonderful even when he’s not so sure”
The Picture
-Loudon Wainwright III

“I fall asleep, I have a dream
And in it is the family
Nothing bad has happened yet
And everyone is happy
Mother and Father, both still young
And naturally they love us
We’re all lying on a lawn at night
Watching the stars above us.”
Loudon Wainwright III