Terry Goggin’s Film
A camera collector from Georgia sent this roll of 127 Kodacolor-X film to me a while back. When I cut the seal, the roll uncoiled like, well, it uncoiled quickly. It also rolled itself into a neat little tube about the diameter of a pencil. Try getting a mess like that onto a reel in the dark. Anyway, you don’t want to hear about the labor pains. You want to see the baby.

It must be nice to be a cat. To be fascinated by watching something crawl though the grass. To be blissfully unaware of the “big picture.” Unaware of sickness, war or your neighbor’s problem with driving under the influence.

A little Arbus here, I think.

This is a disturbing photograph for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s clearly a body on a bed being sniffed at by the poodle in photograph number one. Secondly it’s the last frame on the roll.
I hope granny’s nap didn’t last a lot longer than expected.