I don’t care much for chocolate. In fact, I dislike it. But I like cameras that look like chocolate. Unfortunately, this is probably the only one.
There’s no indication who made this old TLR. It looks quite a bit like Spartus 620 and a number of other 50’s and 60’s camera. Apparently it’s a Spartus Super R-I. It appears to be unused.
It takes 120 film and produces 6×6 images. It’s chocolate brown with silver painted trim. It has three lens opening settings 7.7, 11, 16 and 22. The taking lens is set into a machined aluminum mount and it focuses by distance settings.
It has a big, bright viewfinder and there’s a provision for mounting a flash.
There’s no manufacturers name anywhere on the camera. Inside it says, “Patent Pending.” It also says, “Films to use – 120.”
What makes it super and what the “R-I” means are unknown. “Super Images ?” “Super Impressive ?”
It’s a very odd little TLR. The lens housing looks like it was made in a high school machine shop. So does the focus indicator pin. Mounting the flash requires skinny little fingers to turn the knob.
The Super R – I makes no pretenses. It is what it is.

Arista EDU Ultra 100 in HC110(h) for eight minutes