Kodak Startech c1959
The Startech was a special purpose camera designed for close-up dental and medical photography. It came with two close-up lenses and a special flash shield. I wonder what the flash shield was designed to protect ? Was it supposed to protect the bulb from errant body fluids ? Was it to protect the patients exposed body cavities from the occasional exploding flash bulb ?
The camera could focus down to four inches ! That little lever on the bottom switched between to iris openings. The smallest looks to be about f64.
The above Startech contained a roll of 127 size Kodacolor. The roll was on #11. As I processed the film in B&W chemistry, I wondered if I’d see some long lost medical shots from JFK’s autopsy or simply some amazingly rotten teeth. I got neither.

Hopefully the photographer’s love of orchids inspired him or her to by a real camera.
Photos below from The Spectator Flash