Spartus Camera Corp. Chicago IL
If you follow the history of Spartus Camera Corp (and who doesn’t ?!!) you’ll note that it’s a confused
chapter in photographic history.
All those name changes. All those design changes. All those identical camera with different faces.
All those completely different cameras with the same names. It can drive you nuts.
The Spartaflex shown above looks nothing like the one shown in McKeown’s. The McKeown’s S’Flex looks
like my Super R-I but my Super R-I looks different McKeown’s one.
The Soviets used a Spartaflex flash to track Sputnik in the 1960’s.
And why the name “Spartus ?”

Victor Mature as “Spartus” in the movie: “Don’t hit me with that sword, Demetrius !”

The spare parts order form shown above, bottom right, lists an address that is currently the home of “Joe The Hobo”

About twenty four kids. That’s twenty four life stories.

The scout standing by the tailgate of the 1956 something or other is either eating something or he’s about to sneeze and cover the kid in front of him with germs.
Pack 137. The camera made it to me from a Pennsylvanian flea market.

The Spartaflex has a shutter speed of about 1/30 second. This, combined with the sports finder make it and ideal sports camera. As long as you photograph 90 year olds playing chess.

My shadow 2007