Spartus Full-Vue (1948-1960) From Chicago to Spain ?
This Ful Vue made it from The U.S. to Spain and back again. On the return trip it contained an exposed roll
of Verichrome.
How many square miles of Verichrome did Kodak make before they discontinued
what I consider to be their best B&W film ?
It’s by the most common found film.

This looks awfully American to me but I’ve never had a Christmas in Spain.

A significant gravestone and plant in front of a late 40’s or early 50’s Chevy, I think.

That’s Mickey Rooney on the right. There’s no doubt about it. That’s probably
his sister with him.
Whether this is in Spain or some other place, it shows that times have changed. Nobody dresses up to visit graves anymore.

Very bad exposures can be Rorschach tests. I see a woman doing some sort of levitation of a glowing frisbee in front of Death.

I see Grandpa. A bowl of popcorn. And salt and pepper shakers.

Grandma next to a Christmas tree and television set

See ? I told you !