From a Franka Werk “Solida.”
Franka Werk (Bayreuth, Germany) was in business from 1910 until 1967. They made dozens and dozens of camera models. Folders were a specialty.

Two Chevys. A ’58 and a ’60, I think.

This photo strongly suggests Diane Arbus. I’m guessing it’s the grandchild of the couple pictured below and Dad is the photographer. Why aren’t dogs freaked out by Halloween costumes ?

Camera man comes a-visitin’
The old gent likely built the house in this photo. I’ll bet he could still do damn near anything when this photo was struck. Flowered, cotton dresses were all the rage in the 1950’s. The white belt is a nice touch, isn’t it ? Placed in a spot above where her waist used to be, it accentuates her curves nicely. The lady in the doorway has the same look. Sisters ? No doubt about it.