The Savoy – Imperial Camera Chicgao, IL c1961The Savoy is typical of cheap 1960’s cameras. Futuristic,available in several colors and sporting an “outer space”symbol. The one on the right Savoy contained a roll of mysterious film that warned the user to return it “only to the manufacturer”for processing. I didn’t heed the warning. |

This is the only shot on the roll. The rest of it blank and I think it tells us why.
The man in the plastic hat, standing next to the open door on that economy station wagon, is about to meet his maker.
That smug grin and the fact that he’s tucking his shirt in are crucial clues to the meaning of the scene.
The man advancing from the rear is not happy with what he sees. His gaze is rivetted to the man next to the car.
The lady with her back to the camera is obviously dejected as she looks to the ground in shame.
I’m willing to bet that the photographer mysteriously vanished after this photograph.
Green Savoy –
This Savoy came from a junk store in Michigan |

The Arthur M. Anderson is a famous ship. It was involved in a futile effort to rescue the crew of The Edmund Fitzgerald. More information can be found HERE.
“The Captain wired in he had water comin’ in and the good ship and crew were in peril. And later that night when his lights went out of sight, came the wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald

Our fingers have enabled us to do marvelous things. But every now and then, they simply get in the way.
