Rollei 35 S 1974-1980
The Rollei 35 S is a tiny 35mm camera. Not much bigger than a pack of cigarettes, but it feels like a little brick in your hand. Although quality is evident throughout, it’s odd to use. The match needle exposure window is on top of the camera. The hot shoe is on the bottom left of the camera. It must be really out of balance with a big flash attached to it. Any flash would be big on such a small camera. Shutter speeds are in the front left and iris settings are on the front right.
There are two buttons on the top. One is the shutter release and the other releases the telescoping lens assembly. I invariable pushed the wrong one when trying to take a picture. This does no harm, but caused me to use a few choice words. The lens is a 40mm Sonnar that is range focussed. The lens cap is about the size of a quarter.
The camera is silky-smooth in use. The shutter is very quiet and people don’t look at you like they do when you use other old cameras. This thing looks like a digital camera.
Special thanks to MD Carmack for generously lending me this beauty.

Cape Cod in Winter



Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery (#1) side tracked me for a short while. Number two (ten years later) was much worse.

Cell phone photo by EFG