I think this is a Rodenstock Yesette from around 1938. Rodenstock didn’t make cameras, they mounted their lenses on Welta cameras. Rodenstock still makes excellent lenses. This camera has an f2.9 Trintar mounted in a Compur shutter.

This woman has a story to tell and I don’t think it’s a happy one. She’s got her cigarettes, her calculator, coffee cup and purse. She’s been doing what she’s doing for lots of years. I can almost hear her tired, smokers voice saying “just two more years !”

Somewhere down in this orchestra pit is a loved one. I think it’s the cellist in front of the door on your left. He’s missing in the first photo. I could be wrong though. Close study shows a considerable amount of movement in this long lost orchestra.

These found film photos often remind me of places I’ve been.