Made by Riken c1958. Opposing levers on the face of the camera are used for focusing. It’s a pretty easy method. The shutter has to be manually set after each exposure. The camera has a frame counter with auto-stop. No red window on this classic. Shutter speed tops out at 1/400. It’s all metal and about as heavy as a Rolleicord. There’s another Diacord known as the Model L which has a built in meter.

The Connecticut River Valley is still known for its cigar tobacco. And although smoking isn’t politically correct anymore, the area continues to grow lots of tobacco. The tobacco barns are used to dry tobacco. It’s hung from the ceiling until ready for use. These beautiful barns are still plentiful in the valley but land values are putting the pressure on.
Just a few miles from these barns lies a sprawling, spreading mall. There’s a Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Burger King and a bunch of other ugly sights. They serve to make these simple structures even more beautiful and important as the homogenization of America marches onward.
Agfa APX 400 exposed at ASA 200. Processed in Accutol 1:10 for nine minutes.