Pajta’s FFV – Budapest, Hungary – 1963 – 1966
I don’t have a lot of Hungarian cameras and I’ll bet you don’t either. The Pajta’s, which means “Companion,” in Hungarian has an interesting lineage. You can check it out if you have a McKeown’s. McKeown claims it’s a fairly common. Maybe, but I ain’t never seen any of them. Mine came from Portugal. Yup, that’s right.
It’s a dense little bakelite camera with three lens openings and a B setting.

The photos above were taken in Hadley MA on a bitter cold, windy day. The wind raced across the open fields and made it difficult to stand. The camera was mounted on a heavy tripod and I held a yellow filter in front of the lens for most of the shots. Arista EDU Ultra 400 in HC110 (b.)