Nettar 515 – Zeiss Ikon c1937-1941
The 515 produced 6×4.5 cm images on roll film.
NIMCO – c1952
The NIMCO was manufactured by Braun in Nuremberg, Germany. Braun is a prestigious optical company still in operation today.
The NIMCO camera made its way to me from England. The number 11 was visible in the frame count window. The film was Kodacolor 100- 620 and processing it was like wrestling with a snake in the dark.

The Nimco is a waist-level camera. When you use such a camera, your subjects need to smile, or they simply seem to look down on you. The young person on the left is looking into the lens but wants to be somewhere else. The woman on the right is waiting for a reaction from the photographer. On the extreme right, you can see a man whose interest in the moment was short lived.

Although the Nimco was from the early 50’s, its useful life is impressive. Someone will recognize this car and date the photograph.
Note : P. Van Der Meulen of The Netherlands has identified the car as a 1986
OPEL . Probably type “Kadett Sedan.” According to The Rijksdienst voor Wegverkeer, the car was demolished for scrap in 1998. Records of ownership were destroyed after the car was scrapped.
Mr. Van Der Muelen said” Opel (GM) is the most sold car in the Netherlands.Nothing special, a nice reliable sturdy tool, it has all you need and if you want more you pay for it. I suppose its like your Chevy, but of course, smaller. The way it looks upon the photo with the extra lights-,it is in its second life (1995?) To my opinion, you don¹t need those extra lights in

I can’t decide whether this photo is idyllic or threatening. The child seems to be calm despite its strange left eye.

Many found films contain multiple exposure shots like this. I see someone trying to study while a light fixture floats around the room.

Really bad shots are like Rorschach tests. I see a mushroom cloud through a lace curtain. That’s Marge Simpson on the right.
Nettar 515 – Zeiss Ikon c1937-1941
The 515 produced 6×4.5 cm images on roll film.

It was just a lifetime ago
that day I held your hand.
The sky was blue and we wore white
and everything was grand.
The wind lightly blew my spotless dress
as something caught my eye.
I had no idea of things to come
I’d never said “goodbye.”
Mother, she watched over us
there were no doubts, no fears.
Life was slow and each day long
we didn’t count the years.
Growing is a serious thing
something we all must do.
But I wish for just one day
to be back there with you.
Film from Mark Coleman’s Nettar 515