The Konica was “Made in Occupied Japan” from 1948 – 1950. The lens-mounted synch-post makes mine a 1950 model. It came from a junk store in Maine.

The Konica 1 has a collapsible, f2.8 Hexar lens set in a Konirapid shutter with a top speed of 1/500 sec.
As you can see, a Maine carpenter used the camera to drive nails.
When I bought the camera the shutter shutter blades were frozen and the oddball film advance system didn’t work. The front lens element screws off so a bit of Ronsol and graphite freed up the shutter blades.
I took off the top of the camera and used a punch and hammer to straighten out the rangefinder housing. This brought the film advance thing into alignment.
The rangefinder worked fine even before my sheet metal work.