Kodak Tourist 1948-1951
This is one of those oldies that appears to have been used a couple of times and put away for decades. It was stuck tight in its leather case which I had to pry off with a butter knife.
When I pushed that little chromed button to the right of the “Kodak” medallion, the front opened and I was greeted that that wonderful “new camera” smell.
That big button on the door is the shutter release.

The red-window cover was frozen to the camera covering and required a drop of lighter fluid to free it. The cover is a copper-based metal. The green stuff is copper oxide.
I fired off the remaining frames but they were devoid of any image after processing. Very odd. The shutter opens and stuff but the film shows no trace of exposure.

Cats never change. They’re always aloof. I prefer dogs or chickens.

A “foot in the photo” always gets a laugh. Except, that is, from a cat.

Connie Francis look alike

Lamp Pride

Piano Pride