The Baby Brownie is a very cool camera. It’s well made and has makes a satisfying ratchet noise when the film is advanced. I’ve got a few of them and they are all in remarkably good shape. This one contained a roll of unbranded film.

Few people are aware of the fact that Bonnie’s sister, “Bunny”and Clyde’s brother, “Clive” terrorized the midwest, many years ago. That’s their blind, castrated dog, “Lucky.”

Bunny and Clive robbed shoe stores and stole only rubber boots. Bunny is wearing them in the photos above. The pair caused “The Great Rubber Boot Shortage” in Kansas. It was an awful time to live in Kansas.

Boot Booty
Bunny and Clive were known to consort with their cousins,”Barny” and “Chuck.” Chuck shared the rubber boot passion with his cousin until he started stealing women’s shoes.
He’s shown below opening the wrong door after being thrown out of the gang.