Ilford Sporti c1959 Ilford, England
I guess Ilford LTD. felt pretty sporty in 1959 through the sixties. They made fifteen different cameras with the word “sport” in them. This particular mint example, sported range focusing and a setting for sun or clouds. It had a roll of Verichrome Pan in. The number “3” showed in the red window.
The sticker inside the camera warns the user to always use Ilford 120 films. It’s seasonal specific too ! Apparently the last photographer to use this Sporti was a rebel and loaded it with Kodak Verichrome Pan ! I admire that kind of “caution to the wind” attitude. I fired off the remaining frames, many years after the rebel loaded the camera. I wonder if he was locked up for his disregard for decency.

Frame 1 – “Uncle Harry”
We’ve all looked at thousands of photographs in our lifetimes. Many of them like this. The standard, “let me take your picture” photograph.
When we’re very young and stand in front of the camera, we’re usually stiff and disinterested. We’re in a hurry to get on with play. Pre-teens mug for the camera. They make insane faces and stick out their tongues. Teens are often brooding and serious. Young parents beam as they pose with their children.
As we age, and lines appear where there was once hair, we’re less eager to get in front of the merciless lens. We’re less interested in seeing the photographs of us. Our poses get stiff again and we smile less.

Belchertown State School