The Herbert George Camera Company made cheap cameras from the 40’s to the 60’s. They were cheap but interesting.
The “Stylex” uses 620 roll film. It has no settings of any type. The lens standard must pulled forward before you can make an exposure. If you don’t pull it out straight you’ll get some really interesting focus effects. The one I have (above) is the “old style”. The beautiful, imitation leather grained plastic, adorning the camera apparently accounts for the name “Stylex.” It is pretty stylish, isn’t it ?
The lens cements this optical wonder firmly into the realm of the toy camera. The camera produces prints that look old (see photos below.). I’ll be on the lookout for another Stylex in case I drop mine and it shatters into a zillion pieces.
Mount Lizzie – Quabbin – Swift River, Belchertown