Arista Ultra EDU 400 @ ASA 200. Ten minutes in HC110(H).

Crown Graphic with a Kodak Ektar and 6×9 back
Arista EDU 200 in HC110 (h)

Observatory at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley MA.
Arista EDU Ultra 100

Upper Falls at Holland Glen – Belchertown, MA
Tree Roots at Holland Glen –Lower Falls at Holland Glen
Graflex 6×9 with 101mm Optar lens and Efke 25 film at ASA 25 in HC110(H)

Efke 25 @ ASA 12 in HC110(H) for 9 minutes
Note: These beautiful hay wheels have been pushed aside by a housing “development.”

If you ain’t lookin’ for it, usually you won’t find it. I’ve driven by this windmill in Brimfield, Massachusetts a hundred times and never saw it.
I stopped to photograph something else and this structure caught my eye. It’s hidden behind a line of trees next to a gas station.
Ilford Pan F @ ASA 25 in HC110(h) for seven minutes.

Efke 25 @ ASA 12 – Other technical details not recorded. No matter. You can’t get the film or developer used anyways.

Marshfield, Ma
Arista EDU Ultra 100 exposed at ASA 100. Nine and a half minutes in HC110(h.)

Cindy’s, Granby Ma – Holyoke, Ma
Efke 25 @ ASA 12 in HC110(H) for 10 minutes
Last Day of Winter – Hadley, Ma
During the last few hours of winter 2007, I took an old 6×9 Graflex to Hadley MA to photograph some tobacco barns. It was painfully bright with a deep blue sky.
Although it was in the mid 40’s, the March sun was warm. Winter’s losing the battle, for now.
All New Englanders pay attention to the seasons but I pay more attention than most. I truly love the coming of spring and dread the approach of winter.
You can have all the digital cameras in the world, with their little, overpriced sensors. Nothing beats larger format film and the right chemicals. NOTHING !
Efke 25 @ ASA 12 in HC110 (B) – That’s right…ASA 12 !