Many years ago I bought a cheap old “snapshot camera” on Ebay. The kind of camera everybody had in years gone by. The kind of camera my father used to document his family.
When it arrived, I was surprised to find an exposed roll of Kodak Verichrome Pan 120 film in it. I put the roll aside and made twelve exposures on a new roll of Vpan. I loaded both rolls onto reels, no small task with a forty year old roll in total darkness, and processed them.
I was delighted to find useable images on the old roll. I don’t recall what my images looked like. This set me off on a decades long search for more found film. These films came to me via my old website as readers dug through their homes to find lost cameras. I also found more on Ebay.
About half of the rolls were ruined by exposure to light or being stuck to backing paper etc. The ones that I was able to rescue are shown below.
The photographers that captured these images never got to see them.

“Clock” by Neal M.
Click on each picture/link for the stories. Real and imagined.

Vigilant 620 – A War Years Camera