The Felica is basically a toy camera, but it’s a classy toy camera. Just look at the details here. The simulated leather case has “Felica” embossed on it and the little symbol on the case is reflected on the lens cap and the camera front. Hasselblad, eat your heart out.
Made in West Germany around 1957, The Felicia takes 6×6 shots on 120 film. It’s has a semi-focussing lens and three shutter speeds, 25, 75 and B.. It’s a stamped metal camera and weighs a few ounces. It’s hard to find and mine is in mint condition.
Like a toy camera the Felica produces random light leaks and vignetting which I enjoy greatly. But unlike most toy cameras every now and then it acts like a real camera and produces a nice shot. The lens is contrasty and “sharp” for a camera of this sort.’
The Felica was made by Vredeborch in Germany around 1957. There are two common versions of the camera, one is light grey and the other is black. There are red and gold versions too but they are far less common. They produce 6×6 negatives on 120 film and weigh less than your hat.
Simple cameras like these are fun to use and they free you from the drudgery of the f-stop. Sure the Hasselblad and Rolleiflex are far more sophisticated but sharpness isn’t everything.
There are red and gold versions too but they are far less common.
There are variations of The Felica including The Bunny, which was made mostly for distribution in India. Eventually all Bunny cameras were made in India. Bunny production ended sometime in the 1980’s. Fascinating, isn’t it ?

Petersham, Ma

Photos by EFG – Marshfield, Ma

Lancaster, NH On A Bitterly Cold Day

As October fades in New England, the landscape takes on a decided bleakness. Most colors are gone, save for the few trees that cling to the last glory of Autumn. Snow and cold will soon move in for nearly six months and New Englanders dig in for the winter.