I receive cameras and films from all over the place. This film, a 127 Verichrome (among others) was sent to me by Craig S.. Craig’s not positive but he thinks it came from a Kodak Brownie Reflex Synchro (1941-1952.)

I was puzzled when I first scanned this negative.
What could “Parkdale Pre__ze be ?
Was it Parkdale Pretzel before some smart ass stole the “L ?” A quick Google showed no Pretzeler by the name of Parkdale.
I did manage to spend an hour reading about pretzels though. You can do the same if you need some sleep.

The next frame cleared it all up. “Parkdale Presize.” Of course. Except what the hell is that ?
You’ll be happy to know that Parkdale Presize was or is in the business of fruit packaging. This facility is in Parkdale, Oregon.
In 1995 someone named “Galone” was named marketing VP at Diamond Fruit and that’s somehow related to Parkdale Presize. You could look it up.

“Dutch Boy Haircuts.” That’s what these were called when women used to sport them. The guy at left is “cuffing” a cigarette in his right hand. Kids used to do that to hide the fact that they were smoking. It didn’t work so well. It just made it look like your sleeve was on fire.

I can’t make out what the first two letters are on this boats registration number. I’ll assume it’s OR. It could be GF but that makes no sense.
That’s a hell of a chunk of fishing line fouled on that outboard, ain’ it ?

I’ve received emails complaining about my “flippant” attitude and lack of sensitivity when dealing with some of my found films. In fact I’m positive that The Boston Globe decided not to run an article about my found films because of my perceived lack of sensitivity and occasional coarseness.
The photo above begs for flippancy and insensitivity. I’ll refrain this time and let you think what you want.

A hat, a big bag or two, a Hills Brothers coffee can, a fishing net, smokes, matches and bug repellent. I don’t know what the lady at center is doing but the lady with the hat looks a bit scared. Maybe she’s loading a handgun to take care of that guy that posed with those kids earlier. Ooops. Sorry.
There’s a guy building a campfire on the right. Every guy thinks he’s the best at building campfires. Of course, that’s impossible because I’m the best.

This is a lousy fire.