Coronet 66 – Coronet Camera Co. – Birmingham, England
The Coronet 66 is a handsome bakelite and steel camera. It has a robust shutter and it smells good. The camera back is made of steel and those rivets have a purpose.
The film and take up spool both mount on the camera’s back plate. It’s a reverse pressure plate design. Very cool.
6×6 on 120 film

Diane Arbus would have liked the Coronet 66. She would have liked the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade too.

I believe you can tell a lot about a person by what camera and film he or she likes to use. While I certainly like “quality” cameras, I find that I prefer junk cameras. They are so right for interpreting my vision of what’s around me.
Maybe it’s because of the influence of Diane Arbus or Weegee. Or maybe its because of my life experiences. Probably it’s a combination of those things.
Every March there’s a big parade in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It’s known as “The Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.” The police turn a blind eye to public drinking as a tribute to the Irish.
Holyoke is a crime ridden city. Once home to the paper industry, it’s now a crumbling felony on the banks of The Connecticut River.
Apparently there were lots of Irish people living there once so the parade continues on. The parade is a big attraction, but when it’s over just about everybody gets the hell outta town.
Parades are, in my opinion, bizarre spectacles. They frequently diverge from the main theme and become something that makes no sense. Perfect subjects for cheap cameras and confused photographers.

John B’s house and shop
Until a few years ago, John B. lived down the street from me. John was a well known canoe racer, designer and builder. A national champion, he raced all over the country. I saw him everyday with a canoe lashed to the top of his little station wagon. Despite losing a lung to cancer decades ago, he canoed The Swift River nearly every day, year round, until he was 84. In the summer of 2010 his wife passed away and John appeared less and less often. He passed away late last summer saying it was time to “turn the page.” I still remember you John. |