1958 – 1970
Jeeze, 1970 doesn’t seem that long ago to me.
There is a Click without the “1” and it’s identical the Click 1 except it was made in France and is marked so on the bottom.
The Clicks use 120 film and make 6×6 cm images. They’re well made as far as junky cameras go and their shutters make a really cool sound. More of a “thunk” than a click but naming a camera “Thunk,” didn’t sound like a good idea I guess. Idiot collectors like me would covet “Thunks” today.
The Clicks have a couple of iris opening weather symbols and a built in yellow filter for those dramatic German and French skies.
Like many cameras, Clicks have a back that’s located behind the front. Today’s mega-buck digital cameras don’t come with cases. The really goods ones don’t come with lenses, either. You can buy a $30,000 camera body. A completely useless item.

Arista EDU 400 in HC110(h)