This is where the superintendent lives. On the left is his favorite electrical meter. That’s his beautiful daughter leaning on the railing.
A man took this photo. A female photographer would have thought to move the broom.

Here’s the superintendent showing off his ventilated jug collection* and new baby.
The guy in the background is trying to wrestle a Coke from the vending machine. That’s a pretty substantial looking gate/fence combination.
* Please don’t write to tell me they’re bird feeders.

Weather events are common subjects for photographers and a good snowstorm tops all of these events.
Especially early in the snow season, before we get sick of the cold and snow.

In the distant past, every house had a clothesline in the yard. Now we suck up energy with clothes dryers. I guess we don’t like the idea of people looking at our undies flapping in the breeze.
Pride of ownership is evident here. That’s a fine clothesline.
The house I grew up in had a clothesline made of two inch, cast iron pipe. I once ran into, headfirst, while trying to catch a ball. Boing !