Kodak Brownie Reflex Synchro c1941 – 1952
A sledge-hammer driving a thumbtack. This big camera used 127 film and I don’t know why. I bought it because the number “11” showed through the red window. Some “found films” behave perfectly in the dark. Others are horror shows. This roll of Verichrome took the better part of an hour to get onto a processing reel. The film curled across its length and width. A number of the frames were blank.

There was a time, a more formal time, when people cared more about the way they presented themselves to the world. I’m not saying it was a good thing. I’m simply making an observation. I’m certain that the photographer was an offspring of these two sharp dressers. They are proud, loving and successful. A flowered dress, a bowtie and a plastic awning over the front door.

A beautiful summer place. I wonder if it still exists.

I’d love to have a place like this. There’s a lake behind the photographer and I’ll bet the fishing was excellent. Summer places like this used to be affordable but times have changed. I’ve never been to this cottage, but I feel like I have.

My back yard, December 4, 2005