BRAUN “Imperial” c1951
Made in Nuremburg Germany and featuring two iris openings, this sheet-metal beauty came to me with a roll of Kodacolor-X in it. Processing color film in B&W chemistry produces dark orange negatives that are hard to scan. Not that you care.

I think these people are Americans but they could be Brits. The tree on the right is a spruce, do they have spruce tree in England ? The camera came from an American junk store. The sun was high and these people were dressed for an occasion.

This is a grab shot, and a good one too. It’s the perfect snapshot. Lots of personality here. Just after the shutter closed, the lady on the left said “Oh! I wasn’t looking at the camera !”

After we pass away, we are remembered for a very short time. Two generations on average. After that, it’s as though we never existed.