The Bedfordflex c ???
Made in Hong Kong. I guess the manufacturer felt it would be classier to call the camera a “Double Lens Reflex,” instead of a “Twin Lens Reflex.” They boldly show the lens stats (f8 – 1/50 sec.) on the taking lens and proudly tout the “Plasicon Lens.” Leica owners, eat your hearts out.
The camera weighs about two ounces and takes twelve square exposures on 127 film. The viewfinder is great for taking photographs of thermonuclear events. Anything dimmer than that and you’ll have to squint. It has metal strap lugs and a fancy design on the viewfinder cover. It has a “B” setting should you wish to use the camera for astronomical purposes. That’s not real leather on the camera.
Cameras like The Bedfordflex were often given away as premiums by gas stations in the long-forgotten past. You’d fill up the tank in your Star Chief for about five bucks, they’d check your oil, clean your windshield and hand you a camera or something. Now they don’t even pump your gas for you unless you want to pay extra. Hell, they even charge for air for your tires now.

Not bad, considering