c1939 – 1950 Ann Arbor MI and Chicago IL

The Argus A2’s were mass produced but well finished and rugged.
This one at still works perfectly even though it’s at least 73 years old.

I’m a man that’s familiar with gas and I can tell you this guy has a lot more than I do.

I believe this is a big load of propane. No, not the guy, the stuff in the old Dodge. It looks to me like
this is a morning delivery. Business appears to be good.

Real men. Real gas.


Tote that barge, lift that propane cylinder !

Life is a roll (role?) of the dice. A hand of cards. A toss of a coin.
Some of us are tall, others are short. Some of us are good at math.
Some of us are good at spellening. Some of us are pleasing to look at and some of us aren’t.

Wherever men with gas gather, beautiful women are sure to appear.
Sometimes they lean to the right due to the disorientation caused by propane inhalation.
I’m glad I didn’t follow my dreams of becoming a “Propane Man.”

What happened to the other lady ? Did some guy snap her up ?

At the end of the day, the guys have a couple of Schlitz and fill a balloon with propane so the dog has something to chase around.
Sadly, the activity ended after the unfortunate static electricity incident with “Sparky.”