1949 – 1958
The Argoflex Seventy Five is typical of of the cheap TLR’s Argus made in the 50’s. But it’s not without style and it’s a decent performer when kept within its limits.

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says “Why the long face ?”

I’m no hoss expert but I’ll bet this one cost some serious dough. The adoring man has that “old money” look to him. The haircut goes well with his pants.

There’s a strong resemblance to the young Roy Orbison here. I’ll bet he couldn’t sing
like Roy Orbison. Hell, nobody could sing like Roy Orbison.

That’s a lot of hay and a lot of land.
“Nobody’s lookin’, I’m just gonna stroll over to that hay…..”

It’s been documented that horses can do math. I’m sure you’ve seen it done on television. This photo shows a long gone horse calculating the ratio of horse pounds to glue pounds.
“Six, take away three is……”

Never stand behind a horse !