From a Nebraska junk store

I loved summer as a kid and still do. The approach of spring started in late February and still does. I loved the out of doors and still do. My neighborhood was my world. It had all I wanted.

Shutter speeds for cameras like this one are usually around 1/100 of a second. That means we have 1/100th of one second of the kids lives shown here.
After the shutter clicked, the timeline of their lives, got moving again. All too quickly.
Most of the photos on this roll appear to be have been taken on the same day and in the same neighborhood. I’m reminded of Ray Bradbury’s “Dandelion Wine.” |

There are only traces of my neighborhood left. I don’t know anyone there. Everybody drives fast and the traffic is awful. There’s a massive theater and hotel complex where I used to go fishing. The sidewalks are gone and so are the frogs. |