It wasn’t enough for Ansco to make the world’s cutest camera. They had to name it “Panda.” This is
an out and out case of gilding the lily.
The Panda is a very attractive camera. It’s slightly bigger than a baseball yet it takes 620 film.
The viewfinder is bright and the shutter makes a nice sound when released. The black and white plastic is meant to evoke images of pandas I guess. I like the red tipped shutter lever. Ansco often used red on its shutter releases. The Anscoflex and Color Clipper come to mind.

Now and then, we great photographers produce masterpieces that transcend the art.
Ansel Adams, “Moon Over Hernandez, NM.” Diane Arbus, “Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park.”
Harvey Shitzer, “Oprah with a Doughnut.”
Now you can add my “Bowling Ball Sunset” to the list.