The PD 16 Champion is circa 1939 I believe. It’s not listed in my 2006 McKeown’s
It’s a handsome camera in an ugly sort of way. It’s heavy and well built. It’s all metal.
The collapsing front made it easy to slip into a big pocket or large purse. Ready at a moments notice to click away or defend yourself.
Modern cameras don’t worry about what frame they are on. Just keep hitting that damn shutter button. I recently read about someone that did 10,000 “captures” with his camera during a two week trip to Italy.
I don’t know where this camera and its associated film came from. They’ve been languishing in my house for years.

The movie theater wedged between Mary’s and The A&P Supermarket is showing Cinderella and The Last of the Badmen.
Starting on June 2, The Spirit of St. Louis and Hold that Hypnotist will be featured.
This is probably 1957 and that’s a youthful Ronald McDonald standing to the left of the lady on the right.
About Hold that Hypnotist:
Sach and Duke set out to expose a stage hypnotist as a phony.
In order to do so, Sach allows himself to be hypnotized and “regressed” to a past life–which he discovers was as a tax collector who gets a map of buried treasure from Blackbeard the Pirate.
The hypnotist gets Sach to reveal the location of the map and the treasure, planning to lock up the boys and get the treasure for himself.

Number 219
I’ve looked at a lot of family photographs in my life and they all look about the same. They document youth and not youth.
Number 219 was probably grandma and grandpa’s house. I see a barn, too !

I wish I could show these people what I found. I know they’d love to see.