Agfa Ansco Box No. 2 – Model E c1940
This is about as cheap as they get. Cardboard. Wood. One viewfinder. Still, Agfa Ansco bothered to make these available in different colors. There’s a lesson to be learned here.
You can dress up the worst of us and we look pretty good.
The “one viewfinder” is pretty funny considering this is a 6×9 camera. I guess the Model E
was designed to take portraits.
In 1940 the world was scared shit of Adolph Hitler. you could look it up. It’s disturbing that assholes like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin can gain power. They ain’t no different than Hitler.

Check out that shutter system. Very cool. The viewfinder is surrounded by a rectangular bezel but the viewfinder lens is round and produces a circular image. This fact, along with the viewfinder mirror not being a mirror but a polished piece of steel, makes the viewfinder pretty much useless.
It’s more of a “viewapproximator.”

If you have plastic Flamingos, old ladders, benches and snow, you can be an artist too !