1973 – 1978
An advanced, black-only, SLR.The EF was not as popular as the very successful AE-1 and is far less common. The camera has an advanced metering system and electronic and mechanical shutter controls.
Abandoned on The Chicopee River
Monolith Canon FD f2.8 20mm (@ f8)
Looming Canon FD f2.8 20mm (@ f8)
Break’s Over – Canon FD 1.4 50mm (@f 11)
Belchertown State School Kodak Gold 200 film
Maple Keys Canon 1.4 50mm FD lens @ f4
Canon 1.4 50mm FD lens @ f2
The area around The Quabbin Reservoir is unique. There’s a dense canopy made up of hard and softwood trees. The filtered light is ideal for flora like ferns, shade loving wildflowers and orchids.
Winter Barns